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Friday 13 April 2007

What is Xango

Xango Mangosteen Juice
XanGo® Juice boasts a proprietary whole–fruit formula, harnessing a concentrated rush of xanthones—a vigorous family of next–generation phytonutrients. Sounds complex. But here’s the straight scoop. Research shows xanthones possess potent antioxidant properties that may help maintain intestinal health, strengthen the immune system, neutralize free radicals, help support cartilage and joint function, and promote a healthy seasonal respiratory system.*
For centuries, the varied cultures and societies of Southeast Asia have revered the mangosteen. Although the mangosteen has been touted for its splendid flavor, it has also been suggested that use of the whole mangosteen fruit can promote good health. In fact, the whole mangosteen fruit—especially the xanthone-packed rind—has also been utilized in folk medicine to treat a variety of health conditions. As early as 600 AD, scribes in Southeast Asia recorded the use of the mangosteen as a general remedy and healing agent.
Discovering Mangosteen: Joe's Story
The story of XanGo is straight and simple—It starts with one man and a café, and ends…well, it doesn’t end. And that’s the best part of the story.
Joe Morton knew something was out there, something that would change the nutritional supplement landscape. He kept his eyes open; he scoured street markets and rural gardens. He had seen groundbreaking products before—aloe vera, cayenne, echinacea—and realized that the next revolution was just around the corner. And, as he sat in an open-air café in Southeast Asia, Joe found what he’d been looking for. Only it wasn’t quite what he expected. The waiter delivered a fruit unlike any other, the revered and celebrated mangosteen fruit. The flavor was initially and completely sensational. Sweet, yet not overwhelming. Smooth, yet consistently intriguing. It defied description and invited inspection. His interest piqued, Joe asked questions. And answers arrived in piles. The mangosteen was a dual-powered wonder, a fusion of fantastic flavor and health-promoting benefits. Almost sleeplessly attracted to its rare power, Joe immediately recognized the potential of the practically unknown mangosteen fruit. Fueled by the desire to share the mangosteen with the world, Joe dug deeper. He enlisted the research skills of medical professionals. And found stacks of supporting research. The findings even outpaced Joe’s eternal optimism. And, with decades of research and studies, Joe knew that it was time for the world to learn about the Queen of Fruits, the mangosteen.
Sensory Overload
In the palm of your hand, it’s the size of a tangerine. Deep purple rind. Squeeze it and the split is perfectly symmetrical, exposing the glistening white pulp. Bursting with xanthones, benefits abound. The fruit dances with flavor as it reaches your tongue. Your tastebuds celebrate. Sweet, crisp and cool—XanGo® Juice is delicious and dreamy. Bold, yet refined. This sultry beverage is truly one of a kind. Achieved through a proprietary formula that purées the fruit and the rind. Taste the sensational goodness of the Queen of Fruits.
To support the discovery and development of a singular dietary supplement with sensational taste, the founders of XanGo referenced decades of mangosteen studies. From ancient beliefs to modern research, the whole mangosteen fruit is regarded for its antioxidant powers and health-enriching attributes.
Made from an exclusive puree of the whole mangosteen fruit, XanGo® Juice delivers a concentrated source of xanthones through a proprietary formula. Research shows xanthones possess potent antioxidant properties that help maintain intestinal health, strengthen the immune system, neutralize free radicals, help support cartilage and joint function, and promote a healthy seasonal respiratory system.*
Mangosteen: "The Queen of Fruits"
The early benefits of the mangosteen are both broad and convincing. Legend even has it that Queen Victoria offered knighthood to any subject who could bring her a mangosteen fruit in prime condition. Sadly, no one succeeded in delivering the mangosteen. According to the legend, the virtual impossibility of preserving the fruit during the weeks-long journey prohibited anyone outside of the growing regions from enjoying the sensational flavor of the mangosteen. But, some have suggested that thanks to the Queen’s admirable quest, the fruit achieved the heralded title, “Queen of Fruits,” a name still used by mangosteen adorers around the globe.
While you’ve probably heard of vitamin C, xanthones are slightly less well–known. In short, xanthones are a unique class of biologically active compounds that possess a number of bioactive capabilities—such as antioxidant properties. According to research, the whole mangosteen fruit—as found in XanGo® Juice—is the source of dozens of different xanthones.
Mangosteen Fruit
The mangosteen fruit consists of a deep purplish rind, a succulent white pulp (four to eight segments), and between one and five seeds. The mangosteen fruit rind, while typically bitter, contains xanthones and other compounds that demonstrate impressive health benefits. The pulp, on the other hand, is pure taste-bud bliss—a sensational flavor unlike any other.
"The mangosteen outranks in delicacy, if not all other fruits in the world, certainly all others of the tropical zone. I admit it is a joy to the eye as well as to the palate to feast on mangosteens." —David Fairchild, PhD., agricultural explorer, botanist and author.
Mangosteen Fruit Facts
To select the best table fruit, choose the mangosteen with the highest number of stigma lobes at the apex (the "bottom" of the fruit). This fruit will have the highest number of fleshy segments and the fewest seeds.
Each serving of mangosteen contains up to 5 grams of fiber.
The entire fruit is typically 1-3" in diameter—roughly the size of a tangerine.
The rind (or skin) of the mangosteen is 1/4-3/8" thick and contains a purplish pigment that has been used as a dye.
Fully developed seeds lose viability just 5 days after removal from the fruit.
Some people boil, roast, and eat the mangosteen seeds—which are also believed to contain unique properties.
From Mangosteen to XanGo
XanGo (derived from the words XANthones and manGOsteen) is the first, the original mangosteen supplement, a true category creator. Today, Joe Morton’s vision has been confirmed. Existing mangosteen research has been validated with thousands of individual accounts in dozens of countries. The whole-fruit formula of XanGo® Juice delivers a host of essential and complementary nutrients, including the potent antioxidant properties of xanthones—a vigorous family of phytonutrients found abundantly in the rind of the mangosteen fruit.
Mangosteen Juice
After harvest, mangosteen fruit undergoes a proprietary process that washes and softens the rind; at the same time, pre-ship mangosteen samples are tested and approved before the harvest is accepted and prepared for the production process. Fruit that meets strict quality guidelines is then submitted to a three-stage purée process to preserve flavor and nutritional integrity, and create the Queen of mangosteen juices from the Queen of Fruits. To meet impressive demand and secure a fresh final product, XanGo® Juice is formulated and manufactured daily.
Mangosteen Juice Supplement Standards
The premium standard of XanGo's mangosteen juice supplement is guaranteed through a number of quality controls, including:
Definition and analysis of every processing step.
HACCP system to find and keep quality in every part of the process.
Implementation of CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices).
FDA and USDA audits.
Hundreds of quality control tests, checks, balances, controls and processes—from orchard to order.
ISO certification of WILD Flavors, a partner in the formulation of XanGo's premium mangosteen juice supplement—XanGo® Juice.
XanGo's Mangosteen Juice Supplement
When XanGo Juice arrives at its destination, every consumer is guaranteed the same incredible experience—unmatched flavor and premium nutritional support. The final product boasts:
The nutritional attributes of the whole mangosteen fruit. In fact, our mangosteen juice supplement is the only product on the market the utilizes the entire mangosteen fruit.
A bio-available form superior to capsules or tablets.
A category-creating, market-leading, premium dietary supplement.
A flavorful experience unlike any other.
The harnessed power of xanthones—one of the mangosteen’s powerful, biologically active components.
Decades of promising research and continuing health revelations.
A supplement that is safe for everyone.
Garcinia Mangostana
The mangosteen fruit is known in the scientific/botanical world as Garcinia Mangostana L.—named after the French priest and explorer Laurentiers Garcin who studied and diagramed the mangosteen in 1693.
Other Names for Garcinia Mangostana
The mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana) also answers to similar names in other communities. Heres a taste of the language and location variations:
Spanish—mangostán, mangostín
French—mangoustan, mangostanier, mangouste, mangostier
Philippines—manggustan, manggis
Vietnam—cay mang cut
Malaya—mesetor, semetah, sementah
XanGo Juice Dietary Supplement FAQ
What is XanGo Juice?
Using the whole fruit of the Garcinia mangostana in a patented formulation, XanGo Juice dietary supplement is the original mangosteen dietary supplement.
What are xanthones?
While most people know about the antioxidant benefits of vitamins C and E, far fewer are aware of the incredibly potent antioxidant power of xanthones. Xanthones are natural chemical substances that have won high praise from numerous scientists and researchers. Xanthones have been studied for their medicinal potential, since they demonstrate a number of pharmaceutical properties.
Why hasn’t a mangosteen dietary supplement been brought to market before XanGo Juice?
Many researchers around the world have wondered this same thing. The mangosteen and its xanthone-rich pericarp, or rind, have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, and xanthones have been the subject of extensive positive scientific research. But until Joe Morton and the other founders of XanGo took the steps necessary to bring this fruit and its benefits to the world, no one else saw the vision. XanGo is the original, a true category creator.
Is XanGo Juice approved by the FDA?
As a dietary supplement, XanGo is considered a food, and does not require FDA approval. The FDA does not offer opinions on or approval of dietary supplements. Independent laboratory testing confirms the safety and purity of all components of XanGo Juice.
Where does the mangosteen fruit come from?
Although this exotic fruit can be grown in any location offering a tropical climate, it is native to Southeast Asia.
Is the harvesting of the mangosteen fruit environmentally friendly?
Protecting the environment is important to XanGo. If only for this reason, XanGo would always use care in harvesting. But there is a practical reason, as well. It takes many years for the mangosteen tree to mature and produce fruit. Because of this, it is critical that the care of the tree and all harvesting techniques meet the highest of standards.
What are the ingredients in XanGo Juice?
While the mangosteen pericarp is rich in xanthones, it tastes very bitter. This bitter flavor can fight with the naturally delicious pulp inside the fruit. Because of this, additional natural fruit juices are blended, according to a proprietary formula, to create Xango Juice’s unique taste.
Is the amount of xanthones per bottle standardized?
XanGo Juice is a natural blend of the whole mangosteen fruit with no extracts. Because XanGo delivers whole fruit benefits, there are some slight variations from batch to batch due to the natural variations in the fruit.
Why does it seem that some bottles have more pericarp than others?
The pericarp, or rind, of the mangosteen is rich in natural xanthones. Even when pureed, the pericarp elements remain a solid suspended in liquid. Every bottle contains the same XanGo formula, but because settling occurs, some bottles will seem to contain more solids. Simply shake vigorously before serving.
What is the recommended intake of XanGo Juice?
1–3 ounces daily. However, many people choose to vary from this amount, tailoring consumption to their personal preferences.
Should I continue taking vitamins and minerals if I drink XanGo Juice regularly?
Absolutely. XanGo contains natural xanthones from the whole fruit of the mangosteen that are not present in vitamins and minerals, and, similarly, vitamins and minerals have benefits that may not be present in XanGo in the amounts wanted.
Is it safe to take XanGo Juice with medications?
There are no known contraindications with XanGo Juice and medications. However, XanGo Juice is a dietary supplement and if you are consuming any medications or have a known medical condition it is best to consult with your health care provider or pharmacist before consuming XanGo Juice.
There are no known contraindications with XanGo Juice and medications. However, XanGo Juice is a dietary supplement and if you are consuming any medications or have a known medical condition it is best to consult with your health care provider or pharmacist before consuming XanGo Juice.
Is XanGo Juice safe for everyone?
Yes. XanGo is made from the whole-fruit purée of the mangosteen fruit. It is similar to eating any common fruit. The only real difference between mangosteen and other fruits is the high concentration of beneficial xanthones found in the Garcinia mangostana. The amount of XanGo Juice consumed may vary for the body size of a person, and you should always check with a trusted physician before beginning any new dietary program.
How safe is the production of XanGo Juice?
We have a strategic production partnership with WILD Flavors, Inc., the ISO 9001-certified food-and-beverage-industry giant. Before you consume XanGo Juice it goes through more than 220 quality tests to ensure it meets the highest standards of cleanliness and quality in the world.
Is XanGo Juice pasteurized or heat processed?
Yes. Government regulations require either pasteurization for the safety of consumers or a warning label of possible microbial contamination in products that are not pasteurized. Extensive research reveals that these processes do not affect the xanthone content or efficacy in XanGo Juice.
Are there any preservatives in XanGo Juice?
Sodium benzoate is added to ensure the safety of XanGo. Sodium benzoate carries the GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) designation by the FDA. It is used as an antimicrobial agent in very small amounts, and is added as part of the world-recognized Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in food and beverage processing.
What is the shelf life of XanGo Juice?
While XanGo boasts a shelf life of two years in an unopened bottle, it is always preferable to check the “Best by” date on the bottom of each bottle.
What kinds of sugars are used in XanGo Juice?
There are no added sugars in XanGo Juice, only naturally occurring fructose.
Does XanGo Juice contain potassium?
The fruits used in formulating XanGo Juice contain potassium as a natural component. Our analysis shows potassium levels at 210mg/100g. This is about 140mg per 2-oz. serving.
Does XanGo Juice contain MSG?
Does XanGo Juice contain gluten?
Does XanGo Juice contain vitamin K?
Does XanGo Juice contain any sulfur?
Does XanGo Juice contain any silicates?
What is the pH level of XanGo Juice?
3.6.Unleash the Power of Xanthones - Visit www.xango.com Xango Mangosteen Juice by Xango LLC. - 25oz. Glass Bottle

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